
Some commonly asked questions, if you don't find your answer here, just send us an email!


1) What is the maximum number of characters for an SMS?

2) What happens when there are more characters then the maximum allowed for a SMS I'm creating?

3) What is the throughput for SMS/MMS?

4) What is the cost of sending an MMS?

5) What will happen to the SMS/MMSes if the computer running the M2U is switched off?

6) On what OSes can I run M2U products on?

7) Could I buy an M2U solution without the GPRS modem?

8) If I do not buy the after-sale customer care, can I still ask for technical support from Infoview?

9) Why does M2U Gateway or M2U Mobile Mail Server not start up after I run it?

10) Do M2U products support multiple languages?

11) How many GPRS modems can be installed into the system?

12) Can M2U product be used in countries and regions other than Singapore?

13) Why is the LED on the modem on all the time (i.e., on but not flashing)?


  • What is the maximum number of characters for an SMS?

    An SMS is limited to 160 7-bit characters (English Alpha numeric Characters) or 70 2-byte characters (such as Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Slovanic languages).

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  • What happens when there are more characters then the maximum allowed for a SMS I'm creating?

    M2U will automatically concatenate the SMS into multiple segments, while the theoretical maximum number of segments allowed by the SMS standards is 255, the practical maximum is about 3-4 segments.

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  • What is the throughput for SMS/MMS?

    For single modem, the average throughput is 2-3 seconds per SMS and 5-10 seconds per MMS (depending on size of file, uplInfoviewd speeds range from 8 ?32kbps depending on operator). Multiple modems will linearly increase the throughput. Please note if an MMS is sent to multiple recipients (for example, 10 mobile numbers), it will only take the time of sending one MMS

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  • What is the cost of sending an MMS?

    Please try restarting your computer, then run M2U again.

    It depends on your mobile service provider. Overall speaking, MMS is much more cost-effective than SMS. In Singapore, an MMS with size of 30KB (30000 bytes) costs S$0.30. An SMS (with size limit of 160 bytes) costs S$0.05. So an MMS with 187.5 times of the content of an SMS costs only 6 times of it.

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  • What will happen to the SMS/MMSes if the computer running the M2U is switched off?

    SMS/MMSes are actually stored in the Mobile Operators' SMSC/MMSC before being delivered to the intended mobile recipient. If the mobile recipient is unreachable, the SMS/MMSes will be stored on the servers for a period of time. The period of time will vary between operators.

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  • Could I buy an M2U solution without the GPRS modem?

    Well, you can opt for the M2U without an accompanied modem. Although, we do strongly recommend that you use the GPRS modem we provide, this is to ensure 100% compatibility and stability.

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  • If I do not buy the after-sale customer care, can I still ask for technical support from Infoview?

    Yes you can. However, you will be charged according to the complexity of the problems.

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  • Why does M2U Gateway or M2U Mobile Mail Server not start up after I run it?

    Please try restarting your computer, then run M2U again.
    If M2U still does not start, please check that:
    1. The modem has a SIM card inside it and the LED of the modem is flashing green.
    2. The SIM card inside the modem has its PIN number disabled.
    3. There are no other programs occupying the modem. These include any programs that open the modem port to send AT commands, to send/receive SMS, to check the modem status, or use the modem to surf the internet.

    If, after checking the above and M2U still does not start, please contact Infoview at support@Infoview.com or +65 67743190.

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  • How many GPRS modems can be installed into the system?

    It depends on the USB ports that the system have. Normally, a desktop computer has 2~4 USB ports built-in. However, a USB hub (external power supply compulsory) can extend the number to 8 or more.

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  • Can M2U product be used in countries and regions other than Singapore?

    Yes. M2U product can be used in any country and region where mobile service providers support MMS through GPRS protocol and support SMS. M2U supports mobile service providers with zero-configurations. If you do experience any incompatibility please do not hesitate to contact us support@Infoview.com

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  • Why is the LED on the modem on all the time (i.e., on but not flashing)?

    The signal is not strong enough at the site. The modem cannot find the mobile network. Please try other places.

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If there are any other questions that you may have that is not found in this F.A.Q.s, please contact our Technical Support for help. Or you can look out for more information in our M2U Forum.